ERT Women’s Field Exercise Course
Ladies,the ERT 2-day Field Exercise is HERE! Time to grab your sleeping bag and M-4, we have work to do. This will be a two-day and one-night training event. During this event, you will be placed in a team and trained in combat operations and survival.
Topics we will cover:
Patrolling – day and night, Reaction to contact and counter-attack, Night observation (Night vision and thermals), Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Detainee handling, Field hygiene, Tracking*, Tactical field communication, Overwatch, Fieldcraft, Fire And Maneuver (dry fire), and a Final Training Exercise!
Gear List:
-Mid to large-size backpack (natural color)
-Sleeping bag
-S/S shirt x2
-L/S shirt x2
-Long Pants x2
-Socks & undergarmets x 2 sets
-Water bottle/canteen
-Water x 2 gal
-5 large trash bags
-Flashlight with extra batteries
-Sunscreen, chapstick, bug spray
-Note-taking gear
-Baby wipes and one roll of TP
-Carbine (M-4), one full mag and sling (the full mag is for your protection agents lions, tigers and ninjas.) This should be the only firearm you bring.
-Pocket knife
-Warming layers (jacket, long johns, hoodie, Poncho, etc)
-Any medications needed to cover 48 hours of sustainment
-Granola bars and a campfire-type meal x2 (beans, hotdogs, etc.)
-Body armor is optional
We will meet at 0800 on Saturday and the course will conclude on Sunday at Noon.
*This specific course date is intended for women only.